
Convert OCPP Payloads To MQTT

R&D Corner


Most of the IOT platforms do not support OCPP protocol unfortunately. But you can still implement IOT connectivity for those devices with the power of python. As seen in the example below a small python gateway implement to convert OCPP message payload to MQTT.

`import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

Define a function to handle incoming OCPP messages

def handle_ocpp_message(message):
# Extract the OCPP message payload
payload = message[‘payload’]

# Convert the OCPP message to a MQTT message
mqtt_message = {
‘topic’: ‘ocpp/message’,
‘payload’: payload,
‘qos’: 0,
‘retain’: False

# Publish the MQTT message

Create an MQTT client

mqtt_client = mqtt.Client()

Connect the MQTT client to the MQTT broker

mqtt_client.connect(‘localhost’, 1883)

Start listening for OCPP messages

ocpp_client.on_message = handle_ocpp_message

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